Alternate Name:
rape me
''baise moi'' is (a) a violent and pornographic film from france about two women, one a rape victim, the other a prostitute, who prowl the countryside murdering men. or ''baise moi'' is (b) an attempt to subvert sexism in the movies by turning the tables and allowing the women to do more or less what men have been doing for years--while making a direct connection between sex and guns, rather than the sublimated connection in most violent movies. i pose the question because i do not know the answer. certainly most ordinary moviegoers will despise this movie--or would, if they went to see it, which is unlikely. it alternates between graphic, explicit sex scenes and murder scenes of brutal cruelty. you recoil from what's on the screen. later, you ask what the filmmakers had in mind. they are french, and so we know some kind of ideology and rationalization must lurk beneath the blood and semen.
Release Date:
28 june 2000
Published Date:
05 July 2020