welcome isis love as the new ultimate surrender referee. with 6 seasons of mat experience, she was the perfect candidate. matt williams is still the director, scheduler and now commissioner of ultimate surrender. with isis taking over the referee position, matt is free to create another website for kink. jessie cox has dropped some weight and now she looks faster then ever. jessie is one of the best of the feather weights. this former gymnast and cheerleader is full of energy on and off the mat. jessie has learned a great deal from the last season's tag team league as she was partnered with dia zerva. look for great things coming from jessie this year. sloane soleil comes to us from the underground blood wrestling pit of the citadel. this red jello league competes monthly. it is a no-rules anything-goes blood bath of hell where the meanest etch out a life for themselves in pain and suffering. ok, maybe that's a touch dramatic but you get the idea. sloane plays "the red threat" in the pits, a tough nasty russian girl.
Release Date:
7 january 2011
Published Date:
09 February 2020